About The Country Club

The Country Club exists to divert its members by recording and comparing members’ travels. There are 195 UN Member States/Official Observor, and we are trying to visit them all. Check our progress on the Club Ladder, to the right, or by clicking the link for the List of Countries Visited below that. Curious how we count? Click The Country Club By-Laws link.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

v/d Z surges up Club Ladder

Mr v/d Z reports visits to his 78th-83rd countries: namely:
78: Lithuania
79: Belarus
80: Latvia
81: Estonia
82: Armenia
83: Malta (a joint visit with your Secretary and Ms v H, correctly documented here sipping a workmanlike beer).

v/d Z has now visited all countries in Europe and North and Central America, and has visited 33 countries since joining our fine Club in 2004. Mr Greeley, beware!